Slide Rock

slide rockSlide Rock
2011, 24 x 36 inches, acrylic on canvas

I used tape to block off the squares. I wanted each square to stand alone and be complete and intriguing, but also wanted them to all come together as one piece at the end. I used colors that I remembered seeing up near Slide Rock in Sedona, AZ – lots of reds and yellows and oranges. I gave each square the same sort of angle or swoosh to it to bring them all together; also, I was trying to give it a Slide Rock feel. I applied thick, uneven paint to each square, giving them some height – again, trying to invoke the whole rock/mountain landscape theme.

My friend Nadine said that it looks like the end of the world as seen through a window. I like that.

I’m a firm believer that where you hang a painting is very important for whether or not it works. I painted this one to hang above a red, leather couch I previously owned.
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