Get Up

black and red
When Black and Red Collide
2012, 36 x 60 inches, acrylic and water on canvas

Unfortunately, I don’t have a picture of this after it was finished or even a decent quality picture, but this is it probably 80% done. I painted this for somebody based on the lyrics from the Barcelona song “Get Up”, which she said she liked.

I painted it on my floor, held up with books and plastic Solo cups (as you can see). I stacked books in different heights under the canvas to corral the paint to go (and more importantly not to go) in certain directions. The result was a sort of planned/unplanned painting. It was made to be displayed on a large, empty, white wall. I tried to keep the paint away from the edges of the canvas – I wanted it to blend into the wall, and give the impression of four stripes/splashes on the wall itself.

I think that geometrical shapes and patterns tend to be kind of relaxing, while the splash and randomness of splattered and poured paint demand attention. I was trying to combine structure (the alternating black and red stripes) with randomness (the splashes and running in the paint) in order to create some intrigue, attempting to draw the viewers’ attention and focus.

This was supposed to incorporate the whole idea of “get up” from the song, and give energy to her room.